random nonsense title : check.
Just wanted to mention Fritz Leiber. Just stumbled across the guy (reading a graphic novel by Mike Mignola and others, which adapts some of his strange fantasy). Thought YOU might enjoy TOO:
Today was interesting. woke from a weird dream. All inspired to work on Jedi 6 effects (recreating Devil’s Tower in a cheap’n’cheesy landscape program. basically inspired to do everything except decide on the gun that will be the focus of the neededs shots).
Also stayed up a bit last night writing out narrations for the Poor In Portland documentary. Like, trying to think of what to say (and how to edit) during the start of the film. which was a refreshing reminder that the project isn’t all that impossible.
I think i was enormously inspired by a simple email from friend-jonason, who mentioned resuming work on one his videos. i’m tempted to confront all my friends with the apparent fact that i thrive on artistic competition, and if they could all just work on shit- i would be a thousand times further inspired to work on my own. to out do them. in a friendly way.
i needs it. the competition angle. me thinks.
anywhoooo. need to return some library books. buy some groceries. prepare some sort of VitHumor for tomorrow. night already seem sorta shot. erf