Solid Fuel Studios LLC is here to support the work of a small group of quality artists, entertainers, and craftsmen. We give a small group of creative friends the freedom to create and own their passions. Wen we hope to grow that group by offering a totally transparent business relationship.
A Brief History: On the first of April, 2008, company founder Warren Blyth left his technical art and developer support job at to found Solid Fuel Studios and create long planned entertainment projects. In that first year we took various storyboarding jobs for a video production house that made internal videos fro Microsoft, and published the VidHero comic book. Warren then took a job at Oregon State University Ecampus developing multimedia games, web pages, and animations for hundreds of online classes.
Currently based in Albany, Oregon, the company still burns. Carrie Davis and Jonason Ho collaborate often. Nick Harper, Case Bowman, Alex Yao, and Alan Winston collaborate from time to time. We hope to draw in more talented friends in the future.