Psychological Archetypey typey

watching “joseph Campbell Mythos 1” a series of lectures, that will supposedly present the entirety of his unique perspective (on the unities through all cultures, outside of time, instead of the usual focus on differences at certain times). Blah blah, you have to seek it. I can’t summarize. a summary would be “mythologies serve us in 4 ways: mystical, cosmological, socialogical and pedagogical. it’s so boiled down it’s useless. blah blah. look it up if you’re interested.

The video so far has me thinking of a few things that i wanted to jot down. (and where better than this creative pursuits journal?) Continue reading “Psychological Archetypey typey”

in the rhyme of sickness

been pretty damned sick for several days now. i seem to have covered the entire spectrum of sick activities and unhappinesses. do we all go through this? why does it seem like “i can’t think straight for all the dizziness and congestion” is just a stage before “its in my chest now, so I’m tired and my throat hurts.” with possible side roads through vomit and bowels and such. i’m frustrated by the lack of anything new. and the time wasted.

thursday was spent out of my mind, festering and aching in a ball. Friday was clear headed but 8 kinds of gross, with elements of extreme nausea. today seems to backslide to congestion town and dizziness. hmm. the feeling of backwards progress is the worst part.
so blah blah. i bought some junk food and mailed a letter, and blah blah, it seemed to break the endless cycle of “drink water, nap, wake up 20 minutes later desperate for the bathroom – repeat”. yay. i don’t know why i’m still babbling about this.

too personal!

i just finished watching TheMatrixReloaded, while chowing some Wendy’s. This is the first time i’ve watched the flic with the “critics who hate it” commentary track. it was kind of fascinating. to see how they were oh-so-wrong, but also sometimes very right. and that’s what i wanted to rant about, before it slipped my sickened mind. Continue reading “in the rhyme of sickness”

just watched “the mindscape of alan moore” with my parents.
my dad seemed to snooze in and out, and my mom seemed to get notably antsy (but paid close attention).

I greatly enjoyed it. It’s kind of embarassing. it’s still very powerful.

It’s another one of these “idea polemics”. a seemingly random rambling rant from an important smart person, laced with pretentious imagery and excessively dramatic editing (as if the filmmaker wants you to stop every 5 minutes and “PONDER THAT SHIT, PEASANT! OOOOOOH!!!!”). Continue reading “”

random idea

Sitting here in my cushy cubicle, animating kanji, daydreaming about a world where we only eat enough to live, and pour the rest of our meal onto our head and shoulders. This way, friends and co-workers can eat and lick off any tasty leftovers – and no one cares if your work-costume really looks fresh and clean. hmm. needs a villain. perhaps one who pours ice cream all over the floor of their cubicle, and sleeps in it at night. ehhhh. hm. maybe not. maybe a horrible idea.


the store is tenatively linked (from solid fuel
needs work

this is a funky story about the science of space weather:

work on a new web strip has begun. comedy is out. scifi is the new black.

at home, my computer is still randomly blue screening (locking up), despite a brand new graphics card. sooo. pain. PAIIIN.

recently read the first four books of Scott Pilgrim and was pretty blown away. weoof. more later.

chick app

been enduring mysterious computer failures over the past few days.
ran mem test in safe mode last night. no errors. hmm.

today, i randomly restart and find everything loading fin.
i downloaded and ran GPU-Z (heat noter) and Aida32(system profiler). i find myself strongly suspecting that my graphics card has been overheating. hmm. though i started L4D and noted the CPU maxing out, alongside the GPU heating up. hmmmmmmm.

bleh. fail. fear.


bleh. my computer has been randomly restarting and sometimes just going to a black screen as windows loads.

today it officialyl just goes to blue screen instead of completeing the windows loading. very frustrating. i wish to kill the zombies (Left4Dead).

Running mem tests. but. bleh. need to fix computer. and stop playing video games. and get back to work. somehow.

in other news, i did setup (and am paying for) a shopping cart. just never bothered to link to it from any of the web pages. EEK!. must do this. must… make it look slightly prettier first, and then do this.

in other news, my good friend Maria has her new website uP! go visit! Http:// !!!