Game Dev Story : emperor’s new clothes? crippled tamagotchi?

(this was posted initially as a response to gamasutra’s best iOS games of 2010)
I’ve heard nothing but praise for Game Dev Story (GDS), but disagree heartily.

Isn’t it more like some sort of simple limited tamagotchi than a real game? (is there a better term? “micro simulation with minimal input allowed”?) Continue reading “Game Dev Story : emperor’s new clothes? crippled tamagotchi?”

Tron Legacy – not for snobby idioticritics

(Update: my comment, below, led to me being banned from sooo. fuck.)

Just wrote my angry retort to all the haters of the world. Focusing on Charlie Jane Anders at io9, who I actually dig as a contributor.
looks like my account there may not post my retort (they’ve disabled facebook logins, and looks like my direct login was disabled/deleted?).

anywho. In response to this rather lame review, here are some more ranting thoughts on the movie: Continue reading “Tron Legacy – not for snobby idioticritics”

Rock Band 3 changes everything with Pro mode.

I bought the keytar RockBand3 bundle. I bought the cymbals to upgrade my beatle’s Ringo drum kit. I have three mics (but only one mic stand). I have the old original rockband guitar (plus the original red PS2 guitar hero[GH] guitar, white xbox GH2 guitar, wireless black gibson GH guitar). I’ve purchased almost every Harmonix game (but stopped buying GH titles after the Aerosmith tie in).

Last night I received my madcatz “Mustang pro guitar” and played with it for a couple hours. BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. I couldn’t be more excited about the music game genre right now.
So here are my ranting comments, in response to a Gamasutra article about why music games are over. SIGH) Continue reading “Rock Band 3 changes everything with Pro mode.”

Kinect Gears of War idea

my dream for a Kinect Gears game (since I can’t make it) (as commented on wired’s Game|Life)

You are the president (of what remains of the human race basically).

A) You give speeches to the troops, with a first person pespective from a podium (minor kareoke mechanic decides if you are reading the teleprompter). Choose different speech pathes (a or b, color coded to indicate angry or heartstrings text) by gesturing to left or right.
Kinect tries to detect if you’re “spicing it up” with swear words or certain gestures. Like Dance Central: for delivering speeches. Continue reading “Kinect Gears of War idea”

Kinect : Gears of War (idea)

…I’ve been obsessing on Kinect all day. Wondering at how to make a serious game with it.

Keep thinking there could be an cool game that mixes two things:
1) the super-photo sleuthing from Blade Runner (“quadrant 3, enhance. go back. turn 10 degrees. enhance.”)
2) giving speeches (reading text aloud. maybe deviating from script if crowd is getting restless. emphatic gesturing.) Continue reading “Kinect : Gears of War (idea)”

I hate halo

Joystick’s bullshit Friday “talk amongst yourselves” post asks : What is the most overrated video game.

this immediately broughtto mind: the entirety of the Halo series.

My friends have pressured me into getting each goddamned halo, and each time I : have no fun. (well, the cast of Firefly pressured me into getting HaloODST). Peer pressure must be a part of it. And I’m still quietly convinced the main reason this game sells is thanks to stoners, and Microsoft itself buying a few million copies to artificially boost sales. Continue reading “I hate halo”

why iPhone wins

A friend just sent me this vid

I lost my temper in my reply. Which people usually find funny. sooo, why not preserve it for all time in my blog:

I love my iPhone. It’s all about the OS. Reliable and speedy.

[My girlfriend] hates Apple (but loves Google), and recently upgraded her cell phone to some motorola shit. oops, it’s locked to only run an old version of Android. She can’t use many of her favorite apps until Motorola decides to stop sucking it’s own balls.
thbbt. Android is too fragmented. Letting different carriers lock out features is horrific. (she likes a certain navigation map, but it’s locked out because Motorola wants to sell it’s competing, shittier, paid nav app).

* I’ve heard the HTC Evo is cool.
– But it’s bigger screen has lower resolution than apple’s smaller screen. So Apple’s is smaller and looks better.
– And I’ve yet to play with a phone that is as fast or responsive as Apple’s.

* I googled HTC Evo multitouch and here is first video I found:
“kinda sluggish but…” well, fuck that. This video also points out that Nexus one had known bug where multitouch didn’t even work? what the fuck?

* Everyone who attacks the iPhone, ends up touting some shitty competitor for all the wrong reasons. “Hey I can plug a dick into my HTC Evo. Can yer iPhon do tha?”
Well I don’t care about that shit. I want the fastest and most reliable for day to day use.

* HTC Evo no doubt wins by having 4G. But I’d never get to its web browser to check this out, because I’d be too busy frowning at the shitty slow OS. Some future iPhone will have 4G, and I have no interest in going back to the wastelands of competing cell phone fuckery.


p.s. sorry if i missed the point of your video.