Copyright Licensing Panic: Please don’t play ball with the dinosaurs!

I read this io9 article about Google’s progress securing third party copyright licenses, and all the pussy authors who are freaking out. I also read this guy’s comments and then his blog on the subject (he presents a view I don’t agree with. but find challenging).

This is my rant/reply:

copyright law protects publishers so they can maximize profit. It isn’t designed to protect authors.

I’m drinking the google-aid here, but it makes a lot of sense. Continue reading “Copyright Licensing Panic: Please don’t play ball with the dinosaurs!”

Space Cops: Progress and Random Ideas

btw, a lot of movement on the old Space Cops project recently. Stayed up late last night, recording a first crack at all the audio for episode 1.
Jonason and I sat down and reworked the first episode’s script this last weekend. I started the second script (pimp planet) a month back and sent it to him – sure enough he’s worked out an awesome scene by scene breakdown (and we’ll likely go over it this weekend to read out loud and nail down the dialogue). very exciting. Continue reading “Space Cops: Progress and Random Ideas”

Corporations (Juristic Persons) vs. Real People (under American law)

person in robot suit, Kanagawa Institute of TechnologyI’ve been discussing the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, in the “Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission” case with some friends. I’m eager to understand how this could possible be a good thing. The only “pro” argument I’ve heard is that spending money is free speech and corporations are citizens of the United States with free speech protections. (but I have problems with both halves of that sentence).

Last night, a friend noted Adam Liptak’s article in defense of the decision:
I’m eager to better understand this situation. So please do comment if you have any sort of opinion or insight.
Here is my reply (reformatted for blog): Continue reading “Corporations (Juristic Persons) vs. Real People (under American law)”

weekend box offpiss

idea for comic for this weekend (ignoring the limited releases)
list of movies coming out Aug 14
A cartoon goldfish turns into a mutated cojoined twins pop band that is kept quarantined from society due to it’s general disgusting-ness. sparks begin to fly between two of the gross band members/head growths.
jeremy piven turns up in a competing band, The Goods, and refuses to admit that his dolphin training skills could be used to help the goldfish return to normalcy… until he is paid to. after the reversion, the ponyo fish finds itself falling in love with random growths that it feels are time traveling expressions of its former mutation.

too… on the nose…?

… i am struck by how hard it would be to convey this tangled story web in a page or two of comic art. HMMMZ. hmmf.

ellipse (Johannes Keplar inspired)

thought freed from my inadequate twitter feed:
If the ellipse was invented by artists to describe a foreshortened circle. does that mean there are points in the solar system for each planet, where they appear to be traveling in a perfect circle around the sun?
For some reason i really would want to know where these points are.
…It sounds like plot for national treasure 3 (in the bad way).

Psychological Archetypey typey

watching “joseph Campbell Mythos 1” a series of lectures, that will supposedly present the entirety of his unique perspective (on the unities through all cultures, outside of time, instead of the usual focus on differences at certain times). Blah blah, you have to seek it. I can’t summarize. a summary would be “mythologies serve us in 4 ways: mystical, cosmological, socialogical and pedagogical. it’s so boiled down it’s useless. blah blah. look it up if you’re interested.

The video so far has me thinking of a few things that i wanted to jot down. (and where better than this creative pursuits journal?) Continue reading “Psychological Archetypey typey”