Ahoy, just posting a quick update to shame myself into putting more thought into posting (more often, and with more thematic focus! someday soon! the shaaaame. it mussst worrrk).
Recent news: Continue reading “update: the ranting of Pelham 123”
burning up inside
Ahoy, just posting a quick update to shame myself into putting more thought into posting (more often, and with more thematic focus! someday soon! the shaaaame. it mussst worrrk).
Recent news: Continue reading “update: the ranting of Pelham 123”
Since PS4 and Xbone are selling millions, and WiiU is still choking, many analysts are preaching Nintendo’s doom, and returning to this bizarre idea they need to flush all their IPs out to the mobile market. Michael Pachter has been suggesting this insane notion for years (god love ‘im). Reading this collection of smart op-eds at Gamasutra and this featured blog post by Chip Sineni (mostly poo-pooing that poop idea), I was struck by a different idea which has me all excited. so i’m storing it here on the blog for posterity.
my armchair solution: the best thing Nintendo could do is go whole hog at the NFC toy angle. Continue reading “Nintendo WiiU – should go TOY crazy (NFC)”
Maybe my obsessions about biometrics should be redirected towards “Behavior Modeling.”
Continue reading “Behavioral Engineering is fascinating…”
For months now, everyone keeps noting that the WiiU is a disaster (1)(2)(3)(4) – and nobody can suggest how to fix it. Not that people have too many different ways to fix it, mind you. Nobody can suggest a single reasonable way for Nintendo to turn it around. As if it was an insurmountable problem. Instead of fixes, they offer up bizarre suicidal ideas like : suddenly launch a new console; stop bundling the costly gamepad (even though it’s the main innovation); sell those precious Nintendo franchise games on other people’s systems (and follow in sega’s footsteps to embarassing obscurity).
Well, I have a solution.
All Nintendo needs to offer is : the magic. Continue reading “WiiU : where’s the (magic) beef”
The grand Gabe Newell gave an interview with the Verge recently (which gamasutra covered here. I link to gamasutra because it has an intelligent commenting community), and several reporters I respect have claimed his words are important must reads. but. I really don’t agree. I don’t think he really says much that he hasn’t said before. and he embarrasses himself with regard to motion controls. so I wrote up a small rant, once again trying to explain the value of motion control… Continue reading “Motion Controls – why won’t you get it?”
Brandon Sheffield offers a cool interview with Tim Sweeney at Gamasura. one bit struck me hard:
“when you take that device and broadcast that image to the TV, then suddenly you just have a big, flat mouse-like surface.”
– for some reason this got me excited about the exact opposite experience: controlling your mobile device(s) with your console’s controller.
Continue reading “controller based mobile gaming?”
The sage-like potty mouth Ben “Yahtzee” Crenshaw furthers an interesting point about modern introverts in his latest editorial over at The Escapist, “Hating Multiplayer Creep“. Here is my bloated retort to his witty rant:
Continue reading “Modern Introverts vs. Multiplayer Gaming”
In response to this article, I present 3 ideas to make this game (a MMO of global conspiracy and magic) more relevant: Continue reading “The Secret World: ideas for longevity and attraction”
Since I so rarely complete a video game, and they take so many goddamned hours to “complete,” I thought I should struggle to post up some form of review. so. here goes.
Continue reading “Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii – 2 out of 2 hearts”
wrote up some thoughts on this game, in response to an analysis on Gamasutra by Josh Bycer (which I felt could have gone further).
… Continue reading “Luigi’s Haunted Mansion thoughts”