Legion : 1 big fail out of 4 medium stars…

whoa-hooooooo. Turns out Legion SUCCCCKed. do not go see Legion. ugh. uhhhh.
(if you loved “The Prophecy”… maybe you should just rent this one. If you loved 300… know that this movie was also made for trucker rednecks, but didn’t bother to steal decent one-liners from other movies. Also this one mysteriously had zero naked men. so, sorry bout that.)
My brain is still kind of hurting. i guess it had some fun bad CGI moments. the good ones ruined by the trailer. My mom actually turned to me at one point and said “oh i remember this from the trailer.”
something seriously wrong about that, and modern trailers. I wonder if the ruinous trailer actually made the movie less interesting. maybe if it had all been a complete surprise…
no. no.
*SPOILERS* Continue reading “Legion : 1 big fail out of 4 medium stars…”

Oregon Measure (66 and) 67: You $%@ing with me?

I started SolidFuelStudios LLC to experiment with starting a small publishing business (comics, movies, and video games). I made a couple grand off of contract artwork I did last year, but have more than blown it on business crap (computer purchases and comicbook printing costs) (yay, tax write offs). I have not turned a single dollar of real gross profit for my business. Continue reading “Oregon Measure (66 and) 67: You $%@ing with me?”

Demon’s Souls (1%) – 10/10!

(The idea of this title is to mention how much of the game I’ve played before giving this rating. So i could go back at 50% and say “shit/10”, and again at whatever point I give up on ever playing it again).

So I basically got through the training levels last night. Which might even be less than 1% of the game?
But I’m totally psyched to go on, so I feel a need to rant it out.

* I’m still avidly addicted to watching Zero Punc. (which I think would be a charming new name/spelling for the show, implying both punk rock and a disdain for explaining your abbreviations through the use of proper punctuation). Continue reading “Demon’s Souls (1%) – 10/10!”

The Road – 27.65345241 / 29.937517

I really got into this movie. Saw it with about 5 other people, and am not sure what they thought. Perhaps because it left me in a very glum private place, thinking about personal things. I haven’t read the book. But i feel like the director did what he wanted. And I applaud the story for not bothering with details of the apocalypse. In a way, I think it is the story of a second apocalypse (or “the real apocalypse”) -as this guy’s family collapses. Continue reading “The Road – 27.65345241 / 29.937517”

Fantastic Mr. Fox – 10/10

I’ve been meaning to put up a review of this movie. But there’s really nothing to say. Except

  • It was perfect

  • I can’t think of any way to improve any part of it

  • I didn’t have time to stop and think about the movie, because I was constantly whisked along by it’s roller coaster plot and adorable details.

The perfect incredible achievement movie of the year. (i’d have to knock Moon down to 9.9/10 for it’s maybe sorta cheesy global warming fuel commercial thing/moments. It was handled fine, sure, but I wouldn’t have done it that way. Whereas, again, in Fantastic Mr. Fox – I never had a chance to stop and second guess any part of the movie.)

truly incredible.

(the Rat was my favorite character. each movement and dialog delivery had me giggling maniacally. I was thrilled to see that Willem DaFoe had done the voice, whilst reviewing the credits. I hadn’t recognized the voice. It raises him up a bit, in my book).
(jason Schwartzman also floored me with his great voice acting. I wonder if i would have enjoyed it as much knowing he and DaFoe were lending voice ahead of time. hmm. this is why i post a “spoiler” alert).
(I thought the whole thing felt like the DVD art for Rushmore and Royal Tennebaums come to life. My pal Jonason noted that the director didn’t draw that art. soo. I dunno what that means. but this review feels too short. so i jot it down.).

Ninja Assassin – 9/10

I really enjoyed this movie. It is a gore fest Ninja movie through and through (which I haven’t seen in years).
It’s possible the things i thought were mistakes (watery blood. verses wounds that weren’t bleeding. shots with inconsistent lighting), were actually nods to old Ninja movies. It really did feel like someone’s attempt to do for Ninja movies what kill bill did for … every shaw brothers movie ever made? hmm. Continue reading “Ninja Assassin – 9/10”