review: The Box – 4/5

Watched The Box tonight, and really enjoyed it. While I don’t like camaroon diaz much at all, I loved pretty much everyone else. Also, I should probably disclose that I’m inexplicably a huge James Marsden fan (ever since Gossip), so I was quietly thrilled that he was getting his shot. I remember seeing frank langella in Body Of Evidence and thinking “Oh how the mighty have fallen.” And I didn’t really believe or respect his recent Nixon performance. but He totally fucking owns every moment he’s onscreen in this movie, methinks. It was like christopher lee or patrick stewart – you just find youself thinking this guy is dripping with presence. Continue reading “review: The Box – 4/5”

game idea – agin

random game idea. you start off in first person view, controls are razor sharp (high mouse sensitivity). there is no HUD. because you are a baby.

as you age, the camera moves back (slowly, over time/levels) to reveal a third person perspective (because you are becoming more aware of your surroundings), and HUDs are added as you learn how the world works.

at one point though, it is all to overwhelming and you start to decline. Camera zooms back in to FPS (over time again. subtley). and the HUDs start to clutter the screen, until it’s very hard to keep track of it all. controls get very sluggish (takes longer for inputs to translate into onscreen control).

ideally this change occurs during some sort of boss fight. Where you are demoralized and realize your “life failure point.”

that is all.
no clear game here. needs a plot and villian. just daydreaming about the art game aspect/experience.

Review: Pandorum – 4.9/5

Saw this flic with my dear ol’ mom tonight. My treat, to help her get her mind off my recently passed Aunt Marie.

This movie kicked ass! I hesitate to say it’s perfect, but can’t think of any specific problem. Maybe some of the “so dark and shakey you aren’t sure what’s going on or where you are” was iffy… but that really worked well with the horror/suspense. Maybe the “audio blast so loud you have to jump in your seat” was too easy… but nowadays this almost seems like painting the sets in oil – it just crafts a mood and elevates the tension. Maybe…? All in all, I think I only hesitate to give it a perfect 5 out of 5 because it didn’t grab me on a personal level. I didn’t really want to be any of the characters. So it was just a kick ass sci fi thrill ride, perfectly executed.

Anywho. If you haven’t seen it, but are considering it: stop reading this and just go fucking watch it. Continue reading “Review: Pandorum – 4.9/5”

Sorta Review: Surveillance (movie) & Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (game)

It’s hard to review a movie made for incomprehensible reasons. It’s like wanting to review food from a restaurant, but you’re not sure if they wanted to make an italian dish, or some sushi. They probably just failed. but since it isn’t clear what they wanted to do, it’s hard to say how they fucked up.

Surveillance is Jennifer Lynch’s second film. I watched it because I want to (unfairly) compare her to her father. See if anything rubbed off. And yet, whenever I saw anything that resembled a lynch moment, i found myself cringing. (like: a slow shimmering push-in on a police station with a bricked up window, covered by a droning industrial noise).

Uh. i don’t really have the patience to try and review this movie properly. … why am i writing this? Continue reading “Sorta Review: Surveillance (movie) & Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (game)”

weekend box offpiss

idea for comic for this weekend (ignoring the limited releases)
list of movies coming out Aug 14
A cartoon goldfish turns into a mutated cojoined twins pop band that is kept quarantined from society due to it’s general disgusting-ness. sparks begin to fly between two of the gross band members/head growths.
jeremy piven turns up in a competing band, The Goods, and refuses to admit that his dolphin training skills could be used to help the goldfish return to normalcy… until he is paid to. after the reversion, the ponyo fish finds itself falling in love with random growths that it feels are time traveling expressions of its former mutation.

too… on the nose…?

… i am struck by how hard it would be to convey this tangled story web in a page or two of comic art. HMMMZ. hmmf.