In response to this article, I present 3 ideas to make this game (a MMO of global conspiracy and magic) more relevant: Continue reading “The Secret World: ideas for longevity and attraction”
Dougal Disincarnate: 1977 out of 2012
Read William Gibson’s short story Dougal Disincarnate last night. Then I couldn’t sleep. Continue reading “Dougal Disincarnate: 1977 out of 2012”
Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii – 2 out of 2 hearts
Since I so rarely complete a video game, and they take so many goddamned hours to “complete,” I thought I should struggle to post up some form of review. so. here goes.
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The Dark Knight Rises : ? / 10
Snuck away from child rearing today, and drove 50 minutes down to Eugene to see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX. Here are some quick thoughts, as I try to piece together an opinion.
Continue reading “The Dark Knight Rises : ? / 10”
Thinking back on Batman (1989)
I enjoyed MovieBob’s recent brief look back at why Batman (1989) mattered. But i also think he really didn’t dig very deep.
So here are my further thoughts:
Continue reading “Thinking back on Batman (1989)”
Serenity : revisited review – 11 out of 9 stars
The Avengers comes out on Friday. Rather than revisit all the superhero flicks that led up to it, I thought it’d be more fun to revisit the only other film Joss Whedon has made thus far. I mean, Serenity juggles an ensemble, and offers action sequences and epic visuals … sooo… why not prepare to measure it against Avengers? See if Whedon has notably grown as a filmmaker?
(I know serenity had a small budget. I’m sure it’s a little unfair. but, whatever. it’s fun).
Continue reading “Serenity : revisited review – 11 out of 9 stars”
John Carter (of Mars) 10/10 (one billion out of one billion?)
gentlemen and women of earth,
I would like to emphasize that John Carter was completely fucking awesome.
and you should see it.
DAMN! Continue reading “John Carter (of Mars) 10/10 (one billion out of one billion?)”
internet rant: about some other ranting about ranting ranter rants
A story made “the cut” at PAreport today, which seems to tie into a bigger social problem I’ve seen rear up repeatedly over the past few months (years?). The problem: the consumer’s sense of entitlement.
Continue reading “internet rant: about some other ranting about ranting ranter rants”
The Games Industry in 2012: quick thoughts
Chris Kohler’s thoughts on What 2012 Holds for Nintendo, Sony and More has me daydreaming about the industry. My response:
Continue reading “The Games Industry in 2012: quick thoughts”
Top 10 Trailers of 2011 (a mix of movies, video games, and not-actually-video promotional materials)
I think it’s interesting to keep track of great marketing maneuvers. The kind of things that are easily lost in time (especially if the product promoted is eventually revealed to be garbage. That doesn’t mean the trailer was bad! ). This list is mostly designed to catalog why certain strange things impressed me. I listed 15 things, because I didn’t have the heart to cut 5 of them. They’re listed in order of personal importance, not necessarily in order of quality or import to society (because it’s my blog – neener neener).
Continue reading “Top 10 Trailers of 2011 (a mix of movies, video games, and not-actually-video promotional materials)”