Oscar noms, and the Life of Pincoln

Did I write about great Cloud Atlas was? I just assumed I wouldn’t need to talk about it any more, but should probably check if I ever did write about it publicly. (ed: nope! dammit.)
So, I’ve watched half of the best picture noms from the last academy awards ceremony, and Cloud Atlas still stands out as the best movie made last year. Very sad that it wasn’t nominated.

But here are a few thoughts on the other contenders I’ve seen. I’ll be brief. Spoilers abound. Continue reading “Oscar noms, and the Life of Pincoln”

Tron Legacy – not for snobby idioticritics

(Update: my comment, below, led to me being banned from io9.com sooo. fuck.)

Just wrote my angry retort to all the haters of the world. Focusing on Charlie Jane Anders at io9, who I actually dig as a contributor.
looks like my account there may not post my retort (they’ve disabled facebook logins, and looks like my direct login was disabled/deleted?).

anywho. In response to this rather lame review, here are some more ranting thoughts on the movie: Continue reading “Tron Legacy – not for snobby idioticritics”