uh, I currently don’t feel like posting detailed rants about all the ways in which I don’t think the NEC WT510 project I have will work for a multitouch table.
I tried a couple things with it. soo. i’m just going to poop out this “diary” entry to be done with it. better to focus on success! which will be coming soon. i’m sure.
Tag: phasetable
PhaseTable: testes
just posting this so I can test out rss feed gathering over at phasetable.com
my devious plan is to grab any post here (in my “creative pursuits” blog) and list it, if it has proper keyword. or tag. or category. or whatever. I have an email explaining it, from friend Ian.
Doctor Ian wrote (well, pasted into an email):
Syntax: http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Feeds
Example of usage:
RSS consumption and display:
IGNORE: Rotating ticker I use:
(really just posting these links here so I don’t have to fish out that old email again)
PhaseTable: Phase zero
Well, I’d been meaning to keep a proper diary of my progress crafting my own multitouch table. It’s important.
But I keep neglecting to post. Not sure when I began really. Several groups of photos from several tests burning a hole into my ANTICIPATION GLANDS. soon.
at this date, all I know for sure is that I had purchased the URL www.phasetable.com (and had probably posted just a simple sketch of the logo idea). (and logos/links for OptiTrack and NUI Group)
and I’d posted a hello over at the NUI group.
(and a question no one would ever answer)